Saturday, January 21, 2017


Trump has been in office for only one day and so far has already shown his true colors. One of the first things he did was mess with the mortgage rates. This will directly impact our working class families. Then he started messing with Obamacare. He immediately removed a bust of Martin Luther King Jr from the Oval office and replaced it with Winston Churchill. Then...and this is the scariest one... He ordered a twitter account be shut down because they posted something that he did not like. They posted a comparison picture of Obama's Inauguration day in 2009 and Trump's yesterday. This has been posted everywhere. However, he shut them down because it looked bad for him. They are now back up, but had to issue an apology. From the man who has screamed about constitutional rights has stomped all over the first one. Freedom of speech. Pay attention people. These may seem like little things to start with, but before you know it it snowballs. The rights he takes away today may not affect you, but tomorrow the rights he takes away might just be yours.

Friday, January 20, 2017

New Year

New Year - New Me

Cliche I know, but I really do want to make some changes this year. I will be 35 in June. My husband and I have decided to try for one more baby this year. I am super excited about that. However, I am at a very bad point as far as how I feel about myself physically. I am at the heaviest I have ever been. I have now hit my pregnancy weight! So this month I am joining a gym. I am joining the same one that my friend is a member of so we can go together. We are hoping that we will help keep each other motivated. It also has a ton of other family stuff for the kids too. The next thing is that I need to quit smoking. I have been a life-long smoker. I started very young and have now been smoking for more than 20 years! I am starting to feel the effects from it. My chest hurts all the time. I am short of breathe a lot. I don't know exactly where to start, but I need to stat. I am thinking about over-night hypnosis. What do you think? 

Our 45th President

Today, January 20th 2017, marks a day in History. Donald J Trump became our 45th President. I think that after his four years people on both sides will be surprised and angry. His supporters will be angry when they realize that he did not do the things that he promised. A lot of which he can not do, but they did not pay attentions. They did not do their homework and research. They read headlines and believed what he said. I wish it were that simple, but gone are the days of taking someone on their word. I am hopeful that maybe the other side will be a bit surprised as well. I am hoping that he will not be as crazy and scary as it seems now. I feel like as a nation we are holding our breathe. Waiting to see what he will really do. We have all spent so much time speculating. I think his Inauguration speech was like none of his other speeches. It was actually put together well. It is a shame that he doesn't mean much of it. I am sure that his supporters were left with a feeling of hope. I have a feeling that they will be terribly disappointed. I have learned through all of this that not ALL Trump supporters are completely nuts. Some of them are good people who are just a bit misguided. Some of them are hopeful that his banter is just that and that he will bring a good sense of business to Washington. For their sake, and mine, I hope that is true, but I don't think that it is. There are many people, including some that I know, who think that we should blindly show support and respect to him mearly because of his title. Well not me. I refuse. I will not blindly support someone. Respect is earned, and he has done nothing thus far to earn mine. I know that probably does not mean a whole lot to most people, but it does to me. So here it is, here we are.

 His first act as President.....

First act as President

Friday, October 7, 2016


Hi guys.... it's that time again. My boys are doing the Fun Run to contribute to their school. In the mean time they can win lots of prizes along the way. Please help them out by donating. You can do a flat donation as small as $1 or you can pledge per lap. It all adds up. Thank you!



Thursday, September 8, 2016

Week in Review

So we are getting ready for Aiden's birthday party on Saturday! It has been stressful waiting for people to RSVP. We still only got 2 of HIS friends, but we did end up with 8 total so I think it will be a good party! He is pretty excited about it. He is having a completely Star Wars themed party!! Next year we are going to do things a little bit differently. I think we may just invite a few of their friends to go out instead so we don't have to worry about how many will come.

Next week we are finally getting a washer/dryer in the house!! I am SO excited. No more laundry mat!! It is the little things lol. Man I am old, to be this excited about a washer/dryer.

Earlier this week my husband and I went outside to check on the moon flowers I had planted. I think we are finally getting some buds on them. So while he was looking I went to walk down the three steps to look with him. Did I say three steps? Yeah, I only walked down two steps and fell the rest of the way because I am just so graceful. So my toes curled under one of my feet breaking a toe and spraining that ankle and ending on the textured concrete driveway below scraping my leg and foot all the way down! There i was, on the ground, crying like a little kid. Man did it hurt. I have been down for the count for a few days, well as much as I could have been anyway, but now I am back up and moving again.

It was a long three day weekend with the kids. The beginning of school is always hard. It takes them some time to get back into the swing of things. Early bedtimes, wanting to stay up later but being so very tired, homework, schedules. Not to mention they always misbehave a little bit when school first starts. It's like they are around other kids doing things and they feel the need to once again try them out as if they will get a different response from us. I know it will level out soon, it always does.

We did get to see something fun this week. My husband is a manager at his company. So they had a thing going where if his employees met their goals then they would get to throw pies at the managers. Believe it or not, this was his idea. Sure enough the employees did great and won their prize. So we got to watch as they threw pies at him and another manager. My kids even got to throw one at him. It was great lol! 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Update: Aiden's Party

So as I said before, my youngest son has a birthday party coming up. I was worried from the start about people coming to it. It is at the beginning of the school year. He is very shy and it takes him awhile to make friends. I had the phone numbers of a few of his friends from last year, but have had very little luck there. One of them, the phone number I had has been disconnected so I went through the school only to find out that he had moved. Another one will be able to make it, but for just a short time because his brother's birthday party is on the same day (which we will be going to after our party). Now the other child I had a phone number for... I spoke to him mother via Facebook about two weeks ago. She said she did not know if he could make it because her son's birthday was around then and they did not know what they were doing. I then asked her if she was going to do a party because if so I could change ours to the next weekend so we did not have competing parties. At that point I could have changed because I had not sent out invites yet. She never responded. So we went ahead with our plans. Yesterday I contacted her again on Facebook to invite her son to our party. She tells me that he can't make it because her son's party is on the same day around the same time!! GRRR I asked her remember?!? So now I understand, in part, why we have had not even 1 RSVP for my son's party. A kid who has been at that school much longer and has a lot of friends is having his party on the same day at a fun place! I have now had to explain to my anxiety ridden six year old, who is OMG excited about his party, that we only have one of his friends coming to his party for just a little bit and a few of his brother's friends. This made me, and him, so sad. I had to break his little heart. This party thing is just too stressful. Next year we are doing it differently for sure. However, this year there is nothing I can do now since we already have things set in motion and a few people coming. So we explained that even though there would only be a few kids that we would make it the best Star Wars party ever! His brother was surprisingly helpful with creating excitement about all of the cool things that would be at his party. So there it is. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Week in Review

So the kids started school last week. I think it went well. My oldest is in third grade now. They consider this a transition year so they kind of change classes throughout the day. They switch between all three of the third grade classes for different subjects. It is taking some getting used to for him. He is my worrier and is worried about keeping up with three teachers worth of assignments and homework. I know he will do just fine. He is such a good student and adapts so well. Last year he had straight A's all year long!

My youngest son is now in second grade! He is excited about having the same teacher this year. His first grade teacher moved up to second grade and he got her. He is such a shy boy and has a hard time getting comfortable with new people, it takes awhile. So he is starting off the year with a sense of comfort and confidence that I have never seen. It is amazing what a little familiarity will do for him. The second day of school, he walked right up to a kid in his class and said "hey, you want to be my friend?"! I was amazed. This is the same child that spent 3 months last year trying to jump in and talk to classmates.

We have his birthday party coming up. We are doing a pizza party at the house. We did the same for my oldest back in March and it was a huge success. So now my youngest feels like that is the bar, or maybe I do. Invitations were sent home with kids last week and so far we only have a few kids coming, and only one of them is a friend of the birthday boy. I am so scared that we will not get any of his classmates. He will be so upset. It will break my heart if he is sad.

It is time to start patching his eye again. We were waiting to get the patches in, but also to let him adjust to his glasses again. He tried it on this morning ad it fits well and is easier since it does not stick to his face, but it will be hard to get back in to. He could hardly see when we covered the good eye. Which is the whole reason for doing it in the first place, but still makes it hard.