Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Update: Aiden's Party

So as I said before, my youngest son has a birthday party coming up. I was worried from the start about people coming to it. It is at the beginning of the school year. He is very shy and it takes him awhile to make friends. I had the phone numbers of a few of his friends from last year, but have had very little luck there. One of them, the phone number I had has been disconnected so I went through the school only to find out that he had moved. Another one will be able to make it, but for just a short time because his brother's birthday party is on the same day (which we will be going to after our party). Now the other child I had a phone number for... I spoke to him mother via Facebook about two weeks ago. She said she did not know if he could make it because her son's birthday was around then and they did not know what they were doing. I then asked her if she was going to do a party because if so I could change ours to the next weekend so we did not have competing parties. At that point I could have changed because I had not sent out invites yet. She never responded. So we went ahead with our plans. Yesterday I contacted her again on Facebook to invite her son to our party. She tells me that he can't make it because her son's party is on the same day around the same time!! GRRR I asked her remember?!? So now I understand, in part, why we have had not even 1 RSVP for my son's party. A kid who has been at that school much longer and has a lot of friends is having his party on the same day at a fun place! I have now had to explain to my anxiety ridden six year old, who is OMG excited about his party, that we only have one of his friends coming to his party for just a little bit and a few of his brother's friends. This made me, and him, so sad. I had to break his little heart. This party thing is just too stressful. Next year we are doing it differently for sure. However, this year there is nothing I can do now since we already have things set in motion and a few people coming. So we explained that even though there would only be a few kids that we would make it the best Star Wars party ever! His brother was surprisingly helpful with creating excitement about all of the cool things that would be at his party. So there it is. 

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